Ressources/blog/Security Alert

Security Alert

Dernière mise à jour: 10 months ago

We have become aware that cyber-criminals may be planning a sophisticated phishing scam targeting some Crypto Tax Calculator (CTC) users. This requires your immediate and urgent attention.

We are taking this matter extremely seriously. We remind all users that CTC would never ask you to directly authenticate your wallet or provide private keys in our platform or in any correspondence. Through this potential phishing scam, cyber-criminals may seek to impersonate CTC in an attempt to access a user’s personal and financial information, which may include credentials to your respective cryptocurrency wallet or exchange.

At this stage, CTC has no information to suggest any users have fallen victim to this scam. However, if this were to occur, it may lead to the cyber-criminals being able to access users’ funds from their cryptocurrency wallets or exchanges.

To avoid this, users should be aware and immediately follow the below steps:

  • Make sure you do not share private keys or write-access API keys with unknown third parties. As a reminder, Crypto Tax Calculator or affiliated sites will never ask you for private keys, write-access exchange API keys, or to sign a wallet transaction which allows for transfer of funds.
  • Check all web addresses to ensure it is the website that you are intending to visit.
  • Remain vigilant and validate all communications from CTC. For any suspicious or unauthorised activity, report this to [email protected] and we will promptly review it.

CTC was able to identify this potential risk after it became aware of illegal activity seeking to compromise the systems of one of our third party providers. CTC immediately initiated its cyber response strategy and is acting with urgency to investigate this issue.

Data security is of the utmost priority to CTC. We have appointed a leading Australian cyber security firm to work with us as we further investigate this incident and to ensure we are taking all necessary steps to protect the information of our users and system security. We took immediate action to reinforce the integrity of our systems and no further illegal activity has been detected. The CTC platform remains safe, secure and accessible for its users. As a reminder, please remain vigilant and make sure you do not share private credentials with third parties.

CTC sincerely apologises to all users for any concern or inconvenience this may cause. We are committed to the highest standards of security and data integrity.

We will continue to provide updates as our investigation into these matters continue. In the interim, it is essential that all users adhere to the steps outlined above to preserve data security.


CTC Security Team

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Timothy Brunette


Tim Brunette is the CTO of CTC, where he leads technical operations and applies his expertise in cryptography, and machine learning to solve challenging problems in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. He previously worked at Accenture, holds a Bachelor in Space Engineering and a Masters in AI.

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