Recursos/blog/Crypto Tax Calculator and Coinbase Join Forces to Simplify Your Crypto Journey

Crypto Tax Calculator and Coinbase Join Forces to Simplify Your Crypto Journey

Última actualización: a year ago

I'm thrilled to share some exciting news to start 2024. Crypto Tax Calculator is teaming up with Coinbase – one of the biggest names in the crypto industry. This collaboration is a major step forward, and I'm eager to break it down for you.

Making Crypto Tax Reporting Accessible for Everyone

Tax authorities worldwide, including the IRS, HMRC, CRA and ATO, are taking a closer look at crypto transactions. That's where this partnership comes in: we're here to help you stay compliant and simplify the nightmare that can be crypto taxes.

Key Highlights of the Partnership

Global access, local impact Our integrated solution allows you to smoothly export transactions from Coinbase and other sources, catering to tax regulations in over 20 countries.

User-friendly reports for all Whether you're a casual trader or diving into decentralized finance and NFTs, our AI-powered tax engine generates easy-to-understand reports. We're focusing on making reporting accessible, regardless of your crypto activity's complexity.

Staying ahead of tax changes Tax laws can be tricky, but our integrated platform adapts to the latest regulations. No more worries about falling behind – we've got your back.

This partnership is an extension of our successful Australian market pilot in 2023.

What Does This Mean for You?

This collaboration is for you, our users. It’s about making crypto tax reporting straightforward and empowering you with the right tools, wherever you are on your crypto journey.

By bringing together Crypto Tax Calculator’s tech and Coinbase's reach, we're here to support you through the evolving world of crypto taxes.

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