Recursos/blog/Product update - 19 July 2022

Product update - 19 July 2022

Última actualización: 2 years ago
Product update - 19 July 2022

We’re SOC 2 Type 1 certified!

Data security and compliance is critical to everything we do at CTC

CTC SOC 2 Type 1 Certified
CTC SOC 2 Type 1 Certified
If you would like to learn more about the privacy and security practices which we follow at CTC, visit our new SOC 2 security page.

New Features

UI Uplift: New nav bar

The nav bar is now in our one and only purple. As a part of this update, the Help tab has been replaced with the help icon on the top right of the screen next to the user settings. Don’t forget you can always get in touch with our support team with the purple popup on the bottom right of your screen.

New reconciliation view: Suspected Spam Token

We have created a new reconciliation flow for Suspected Spam tokens. Our algorithm will suggest a list of spam cryptocurrencies, allowing you to then confirm whether or not they should be marked as spam for your tax report.

Clickable rows in report summaries

By clicking on a row in the report summary, a new tab will open up. This tab will show all of the transactions which made up the calculations of the values within that particular row in a report summary. This is valid for all report summaries.

New Get Report popup

Our download reports popup UI has been updated, making it easier than ever to download both PDFs and CSVs for your reports.

New Integration – Lykke

We’re excited to announce that our integration with Lykke is now live! Simply import your transaction history CSV, and we will pull in all of your Lykke transactions, including deposits and withdrawals.

Minor Changes

Since our last product update, we've implemented the following minor updates:

  • Our developers have worked their magic to improve the transaction table's performance
  • Ability to import wallet from the nickname wallet popup
  • Date dividers have been re-introduced in the review transactions table
  • Updated the import steps for Liquid API and ByBit API
  • The Unknown Counterparty reconciliation view has been renamed Suspected Missing Imports
  • New icons on the account menu

Defect Fixes

Since our last product update, we've implemented the following fixes:

  • When hovering over a currency with a shorted name (e.g. CRYPTOTA…), we now show the full name on hover
  • We now show both transaction ID’s and include links to both blockchain explorers for bridge transactions
  • We now only show Missing Market Price warnings for taxable events, rather than also showing this for transfers and non-taxable transactions

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Comience gratis

Importe sus transacciones y genere una vista previa del informe gratuita
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