Recursos/blog/Product Update - 31st August

Product Update - 31st August

Última actualización: a year ago

New Features

New reconciliation view: Intra-exchange transactions

This new reconciliation view shows transactions where both the source and destination are the same exchange, but the category of the transaction is still unknown. Common transactions in this category are interest payments, staking rewards, income, or airdrops.

Fees now have their own column

Rather than showing a fee under the value field of a transaction, they can now be found in their own column to the right. Any capital gain/loss associated with that fee is also shown next to it. Fees also have their own row in the expanded transaction view.

NFT IDs are now visible on the Review Transactions page

By showing the NFT ID next to the currency on the review transactions page, we’ve made it easier for you to differentiate between your NFTs when reconciling.

‘Add Manual Transaction’ modal is now a slide-out

Rather than taking over the whole page, the ‘Add New Transaction’ slide-out has the exact same features as before, but in a side panel for easy access.

Bulk edit categories revamp

Previously, if you bulk selected incoming and outgoing transactions in the same group, we only allowed you to bulk categorize them as send/receive or buy/sell. Now, you are able to bulk select any of our ‘opposite transaction category pairs’. For example: Bridge In & Out, Collateral Deposit & Withdrawal, Add & Remove Liquidity etc.

Accountant demo accounts are being deprecated

Accountants would have noticed a new button in their Client Dashboard, giving them notice that demo accounts will be deprecated. If you have transactions associated with a Demo Account, you can transfer them easily to a new client. After September 8, 2022 all the existing Demo accounts will be removed. However, if you don’t migrate your Demo data to a client by that date, you will be able to restore any previously imported transactions and reconciliation efforts via the Settings page.

More details regarding this update are visible in your My Clients dashboard.

Defect Fix

Since our last product newsletter, we've implemented the following fix:

  • Previously our pricing source was using a singular data source for both LUNA and LUNC transactions. We have now moved our pricing data to a new source that does differentiate between LUNA and LUNC.

Minor Changes

Since our last product newsletter, we've implemented the following minor updates:

  • We have revamped our integrations page, adding categories for our different integrations
  • In the 'Suspected Spam Token' reconciliation view, we now allow you to bulk approve or decline our suggestion, rather than reviewing them one by one
  • The status pill now has a syncing status when a wallet or exchange is being imported
  • We now use as our blockchain explorer for Solana transaction
  • Added support for the new Bitmex CSV format
  • Added support for the new Blockfi CSV format
  • Added support for the new CSV format
  • Added support for the new Deribit CSV format
  • Added support for the new Exodus CSV format
  • Added support for the new FTX CSV format
  • Added support for the new OKEX CSV format
  • Adde support for Binance Liquidity Operations
  • Added support for BinanceUS OCBS Buy and OCBS Sell (also known as Quick Buy and Quick Sell)

Same content, different formats

Would you rather read this in your Twitter feed? Don't forget that we publish an accompanying Twitter Thread with a condensed summary of each product newsletter.

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