Risorse/blog/Product update - 18th May 2022

Product update - 18th May 2022

Ultimo aggiornamento: 2 years ago
Product update - 18th May 2022

It’s that time again, we’ve got a whole bunch of exciting updates to the Crypto Tax Calculator platform to announce!

First up, users now have the ability to generate a German SO form. This means that our German users can have a more native experience when using our platform!

German Report Support CTC
German Report Support CTC

Next is a much-requested feature from our users: the ability to add comments to transaction lines. After this update, you can now leave comments on any of your transaction lines, as well as delete any. Each comment will have a timestamp associated with it, so you can keep track of any notes you’d like to make! We’re also working hard on giving you the ability to edit comments, and filter by comments, so keep an eye out there.

Transaction comments
Transaction comments

We thought we’d wrap this product update blog up with a big one… We are happy to announce we now have ERC-1155 token support in-app for Arbitrum, Avalanche, Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum, Fantom and Polygon networks! This is huge news for anyone deep into NFT trading, as you’ll now be able to track minting and selling ERC-1155s on these networks, as well as converting an ERC-721 to a ERC-1155.

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