Denne veiledningen beskriver skatteforpliktelsene for kryptoinvestorer og svarer mange typiske spørsmål om et bredt spekter av scenarier som kan gjelde til kryptoinvesteringer. Siden Chainanalysis’ 2022 Georgraphy of Cryptocurrency Report viser at 70 % av ‘on-chain’ handler i Norge er koblet til…
In recent years in the UK, the HMRC has developed an increasing focus on crypto users and their trading activity. As a…
So you’ve dived into the world of crypto, and stumbled across a bunch of different terms starting with “ERC”. ERC stands…
This is a basic guide on how to use Crypto Tax Calculator (CTC) to help you complete your Australian Taxation Office…
The term DAO stands for ‘Decentralized Autonomous Organization’. Unlike traditional organizations, a DAO’s principles…
What are wrapped tokens? A wrapped token is a cryptocurrency token pegged to the value of another cryptocurrency token…