Denne veiledningen beskriver skatteforpliktelsene for kryptoinvestorer og svarer mange typiske spørsmål om et bredt spekter av scenarier som kan gjelde til kryptoinvesteringer. Siden Chainanalysis’ 2022 Georgraphy of Cryptocurrency Report viser at 70 % av ‘on-chain’ handler i Norge er koblet til…
Liquidity pools and LP tokens are the backbone of decentralized finance (DeFi). They have enabled a whole host of…
With the boom of cryptocurrency, there are now numerous crypto networks, each with their own tokens of varying…
Introduction to Cryptocurrency Airdrops Cryptocurrency airdrops have increasingly become a hot topic in the digital…
Disclaimer CryptoTaxCalculator is not a registered accountant and does not know your individual case so cannot provide…
Introduction We’ve tried to make Crypto Tax Calculator as easy to use as possible, that said with crypto being such a…