Denne veiledningen beskriver skatteforpliktelsene for kryptoinvestorer og svarer mange typiske spørsmål om et bredt spekter av scenarier som kan gjelde til kryptoinvesteringer. Siden Chainanalysis’ 2022 Georgraphy of Cryptocurrency Report viser at 70 % av ‘on-chain’ handler i Norge er koblet til…
Celsius is one of multiple platforms that have been affected by the liquidity crisis currently plaguing the crypto…
What is Ethereum 2.0 Ethereum is one of the most popular and successful blockchains, with programming capabilities that…
ETH 2.0 is a hot topic at the moment, with crypto users around the world eagerly awaiting its introduction. Over at CTC…
In a previous blog, we’ve gone over what an NFT is and how they work. So, what’s the difference between an NFT and a…
In recent years, NFTs have exploded in popularity as they establish ownership and scarcity in the digital realm. Profile…