Denne veiledningen beskriver skatteforpliktelsene for kryptoinvestorer og svarer mange typiske spørsmål om et bredt spekter av scenarier som kan gjelde til kryptoinvesteringer. Siden Chainanalysis’ 2022 Georgraphy of Cryptocurrency Report viser at 70 % av ‘on-chain’ handler i Norge er koblet til…
In a previous blog, we’ve touched on what staking is and how it works as a way of earning rewards by delegating or…
We have become aware that cyber-criminals may be planning a sophisticated phishing scam targeting some Crypto Tax…
UI uplift: Review Transactions page Our review transactions page has had an uplift, enabling you to see the most…
This guide details the tax obligations for crypto investors and answers many common questions on a wide range of…
Introduction We’ve tried to make Crypto Tax Calculator as easy to use as possible, that said with crypto being such a…