Deutschland gilt zunehmend als krypto-freundliches Land, da langfristige Investitionen in Kryptowährungen steuerfrei sind. Dieser Leitfaden erklärt die steuerlichen Vorgaben des Bundeszentralamts für Steuern (BZSt) und zeigt Ihnen als Steuerzahler klar auf, welche Krypto-Transaktionen in Deutschland…
Disclaimer CryptoTaxCalculator is not a registered accountant and does not know your individual case so cannot provide…
Background It’s no secret that the ATO wants a piece of your crypto gains, but are they taking more than you think they…
Background We have published an in-depth guide for DeFi taxes which includes specific examples for a wide range of…
Introduction With so much talk about decentralization being interlinked with the concept of crypto, many users are under…
Celsius is one of multiple platforms that have been affected by the liquidity crisis currently plaguing the crypto…