Deutschland gilt zunehmend als krypto-freundliches Land, da langfristige Investitionen in Kryptowährungen steuerfrei sind. Dieser Leitfaden erklärt die steuerlichen Vorgaben des Bundeszentralamts für Steuern (BZSt) und zeigt Ihnen als Steuerzahler klar auf, welche Krypto-Transaktionen in Deutschland…
With the boom of cryptocurrency, there are now numerous crypto networks, each with their own tokens of varying…
What is tax-loss harvesting? Tax-loss harvesting is a legal investment strategy that helps reduce your overall capital…
To understand what a read-only API is, first we have to understand what an API is more generally. API stands for…
Why you should care about in IRS 1099 forms: 1099's are the centrepiece of IRS crypto tax enforcement and the most…
New Features New reconciliation view: Intra-exchange transactions This new reconciliation view shows transactions where…